Terraset Elementary School PTO

Terraset Elementary School PTO
Terraset Elementary School PTO
Tigers on the Town

Terraset Elementary School PTO
Volunteer Resources
Whether you are volunteering for a shift at an event, helping organize an activity, or a Program Lead/Committee Chair, we want to say THANK YOU for your time! PTO volunteers are a vital component to a successful Terraset Elementary School. We hope you find the information you need to complete your tasks, but if not please contact the PTO Officers, your Program Lead, or Board Liaison as appropriate.
Please find general information for our volunteers. You will likely need specific information about your volunteer task that your Program Lead, or Board Liaison can provide!
Again, thank you for volunteering! We rely 100% on volunteers to keep PTO activities, fundraisers, events and operations running smoothly. Please take a moment to double-check your calendar to be sure you can fulfill your time commitment. If not, we understand but ask you let your Program Lead know ASAP so we can be sure to have the resources needed!
When volunteering during the school day, please remember you must always check-in at the office before proceeding to a volunteer activity. I you have never used the check-in computer, bring your driver's license (or other official ID) and allow an additional 10 minutes to register in the visitor system.
All PTO volunteers should come to school dressed appropriately - in short, use good judgement. No need to dress up, but please avoid adult-themed t-shirts, hats etc.
PTO volunteers who need access to the PTO room must request the door key from the front office staff (usually Ms. Johnson), and if you are making copies in the Parent/Volunteer room be advised it is shared with Mrs. Golac who is the school's Parent Liaison. She has priority to use the room for parent conferences.
Coming soon - information for event volunteers.
New this year, we are using online forms wherever possible. If you absolutely can't use our online system for necessary forms, please contact the officers. You will need a form for:
Depositing checks or cash
Requesting Reimbursement
Reporting income for an event
New procedures for 2018-2019! The school is moving away from paper distribution and the PTO fully supports the change. Most everything we send out will be distributed electronically via email, social media, and our website.
For most PTO related information, we will send out your flyer via the PTO's weekly Thursday News and Notes email. Use this form to submit your request.
If you have a form or other paperwork that must go home, please follow these steps:
Send your form to your Board Liaison for approval. If you're not sure, use the News Page to submit a request.
The Liaison will submit it to the school administration for approval. If approved...
You will make copies for all students! Download the class list below and make enough copies for each classroom and place the stack in each teacher's mailbox (in the front office).
You can distribute to the teacher boxes between Thursday Noon and Friday 4pm, the week before the Tuesday folder is sent home.
If you have an event or other program where you are collecting payments, please follow the process below for payments received via student backpacks:
In all of your communications, have parents send paper order forms and payments via backpacks by writing "PTO: Event Name" on an envelope and send the form and payment in that envelope to their child's teacher.
The front office staff will collect those envelopes/forms and place them in the PTO safe located on the desk in the Parent/Volunteer Room
Committee/Program leads should check periodicaly prior to an event/deadline for forms. Ask Laura or Shannon in the front office to open the safe for you, or have your Board Liaison check as they have the code.
After you process orders/payments as needed for your program, return to the Parent/Volunteer room and get a manilla deposit envelope located near the PTO safe.
Complete the envelope with your name, program/activity name, and total deposit (it's helpful if you can subtotal checks and cash as well) & drop that envelope into the CASH SAFE, located inside PTO file cabinet
Go to and follow the link to complete the Deposit Form. Submit that online form to notify the Treasurer of the deposit.